CTAC Sponsors the NCHCMM Conference in Atlanta, GA
CTAC attended the National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing and Media (NCHCMM) in Atlanta, Georgia, September 11-13, 2018. This marked CTAC’s fifth year attending and participating in the CDC-sponsored health conference as an exhibitor. CTAC has supported CDC with critical health messaging efforts through its content syndication engine, which won the FedHealth IT award in 2015. It is a real-time health messaging application used to publish digital content – images, video, data, infographics, social media – to all devices for federal, state and local governments. It is free and used agency-wide by the Department of Health and Human Services.
Showcasing our health and safety mission focus, CTAC brought an added flavor of information technology (IT) solutions to the research and academia firms that congregate at the annual event. This year, questions around Big Data and the Cloud spurred from general curiosity in the exhibition hall. Based on the conversations with directors, managers and other attendees that stopped by our booth, there is undoubtedly a need for communications departments within an organization to be in communication with their IT departments about digital modernizations that would benefit and empower those supporting communications efforts.
While CTAC maintained a booth, the three-day conference did allow dozens of thought-provoking leaders from their industry to present research and successful projects to the larger public. Health messaging and missions are becoming more technologically advanced, driven and sustained. State, local and federal governments look to strengthen their presence through updating websites, moving to cloud and content syndication. CTAC has a strong grasp in understanding mission-critical public sector markets.
CTAC is a CMMI Level II cloud services provider and IT consultancy, supplying cutting-edge technology solutions for 25 years. Headquartered in Falls Church, Virginia, CTAC has experience providing solutions for state and local governments and proudly supports nearly a dozen federal agencies with engineering, IT and technology modernization initiatives.